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STORY 13 :Aurelie & Luxmi Jul 05 2023

When Luxmi was a small boy, his dream was to become a pilot. His uncle, who came back to Mauritius from a visit to France, brought him an album with different kinds of planes and aircraft that captured his imagination. He grew up dreaming of flying in the sky, exploring new horizons, and embracing the cultures of distant lands. Meanwhile, Luxmi's father who was a fireman in Nouvelle France, devoted his life to the service of people, always ready to lend a helping hand to those in need. Moreover, as he was the only person in the locality who owned a car, he served the community by tirelessly driving the sick to the hospital when they required urgent medical attention, even at odd hours of the night. Luxmi's uncle was a respected pandit in the community who was frequently called to intervene to assist people with various challenges and guide them, using his knowledge to transform lives. Witnessing his father's selflessness and his uncle's dedication to serving others deeply impacted Luxmi, instilling in him a profound sense of compassion and a desire to make a difference in the life of others. These experiences ignited Luxmi's determination to pursue a career where he could actively contribute to the well-being of others.
As Luxmi grew older, he felt a growing inclination to pursue a career that would allow him to serve others, and instead of pursuing his childhood dream of becoming a pilot, he chose to study medicine. This choice led him far away from his home in Mauritius to Bordeaux and Poitiers in France, where he pursued his medical education. Upon completing his studies, Luxmi found himself working for La Croix Rouge, providing healthcare assistance to the homeless. That's when the NGO, Globe Santé, extended an offer for him to join their team of volunteers in their mission to provide healthcare facilities to help the population in African countries. He embraced the opportunity wholeheartedly and embarked on a journey that allowed him to combine his passion for medicine and his love for discovering new cultures by aiding populations in need.
Slowly, the pieces of the puzzle were fitting together for Luxmi. He had been able to travel abroad and immerse himself in different cultures while fulfilling his family's inherent dedication to helping others. The only issue was that he was in a foreign land and the chances of him meeting and settling with someone with a similar interest in books, music, culture, art, social work, travel and, most of all, Indian movies and Indian culture, were slim.
While performing social work with Globe Santé, Luxmi was sent on a month-long project in Benin alongside a dedicated group of volunteers. Among them was Aurelie, a French native who had also embraced the spirit of assistance. Though they had crossed paths earlier in Poitiers, it was while doing volunteer activities in Benin that Luxmi and Aurelie got to interact. Like him, she seemed to have an insatiable appetite for culture, music, literature, and movies. Their conversations flowed effortlessly and stretched for hours, never experiencing a dull moment when they were together.
One particular day, Luxmi, who was attached to his Indian heritage, decided to share a piece of his culture with the African children they were working with. Taking out his laptop, he played a Bollywood movie for them to enjoy. To his surprise, Aurelie, unfamiliar with Indian cinema until that moment, was immediately captivated by the movie and enjoyed it even more than the children. This unexpected twist created a deeper bond between Luxmi and her, and it drew them together after their time in Benin drew to a close. Back to Poitiers in France, they stayed in touch and Luxmi invited Aurelie to his place to watch another Indian movie. Once again, she was mesmerized by the enchanting narratives, colourful dances, and melodious soundtracks. Luxmi found himself regularly watching Hindi movies together with Aurelie, nurturing their growing friendship as she embraced the world of Bollywood. Luxmi himself used to watch mostly American movies and only occasionally watched Indian movies, but witnessing Aurelie's newfound fascination, he willingly adjusted his viewing habits for her. Their movie-watching sessions and deep conversations became cherished moments of togetherness as they discovered a profound connection that surpassed geographical boundaries and united their diverse backgrounds and cultural heritages.
The revelation of Aurelie's passion for Indian movies and her insatiable desire to explore different cultures was only the beginning of the couple's remarkable journey together. Watching Hindi movies unearthed a treasure trove of emotions, traditions, and narratives that made Aurelie want to visit India. Luxmi, who had long harboured a dream of visiting his ancestral homeland, initially hesitated, uncertain of how Aurelie would perceive India's tapestry of contrasts and complexities. However, fueled by their shared sense of adventure and a desire to delve deeper into the unknown, they took the plunge and embarked on their first major trip together: a journey to India. Their previous experiences in Benin, without basic amenities like water and electricity, had unwittingly prepared them for the tougher aspects of life in India so that they were able to embrace every aspect of the country with open hearts. They thus fell in love with its vibrant culture, tantalizing cuisine, soul-stirring music, warm-hearted people, mesmerizing Bollywood films, and the spiritual depth of its religious practices. They spent one month in India, and, Aurelie, in particular, found herself fascinated by the mesmerizing melodies, intricate dances, and the vibrant religious practices at the temples that left an indelible mark on her. They enjoyed the experience so much that it prompted them to come for a second visit the following year. It was during their visit to India that Aurelie was able to meet Luxmi's mother, who, understanding that her son had found a soul mate, extended an invitation for them to eventually come to Mauritius.
While Luxmi was growing up in Nouvelle France in Mauritius, Aurelie was born and brought up in France, 10 000 km away. Her father was an engineer in Lilles, and her mother was a housewife. Being the only child, Aurelie spent her time reading a lot, nurturing her vivid imagination. It created in her a need to explore the world, just like Luxmi. From an early age, Aurelie witnessed her mother's selfless acts of volunteering, serving food to those in need. This exposure to compassion and service created in her a disposition to be open to others and connect with people, laying the foundation for Aurelie's own path. Aurelie studied medicine, but she discovered that the technical aspects of the profession did not align with her inner calling. Following her heart's compass, she specialized as a speech therapist. This field harmonized with her love for literature while providing her with the opportunity to help others through the power of communication.
The first time that Aurelie got to travel out of France, she felt like she was being born again; she wanted to see everything and learn about everything. She had a thirst for knowledge and her open-mindedness led her to embrace each new experience with unbridled enthusiasm. Her meeting with Luxmi, a testament to the beauty of unexpected encounters, connected her with someone who shared her dedication to volunteer work as well as her yearning for travel and exploration. They were united by a shared sense of wonder and a willingness to embrace the unknown. In their quest to quench their wanderlust, they embarked on an extraordinary adventure to make a tour of Europe and France which they completed over a period of seven years. They visited different countries each time they traveled, went on exhilarating hikes and tasted the unique flavours of each region. They found a sense of belonging between them that transcended borders. Home, for them, is not a place; it is a feeling. Wherever they go, as long as they are together, they are home. During one of their travels, they went to Canada, where they got engaged.
In 2020, Luxmi and Aurelie embraced a new chapter in their life by taking the decision to come and live in Mauritius. They had been travelling for a long time, at a frequency of 4 or 5 times a year, visiting 31 countries in the world. Now they wanted to be stable and build something together. Their arrival, however, got delayed by the outbreak of the global Covid pandemic. It was not until January 2022 that Lumi finally landed in Mauritius with Aurelie, 18 years after he left his homeland.
Driven by his passion for making a difference in people's lives, Luxmi is bringing his knowledge and expertise to the Ministry of Health to tackle the issue of drug addiction in the country. As for Aurelie, leveraging her competence as a speech therapist, she dedicates herself to working with children with autism. She additionally volunteers in the Association for Alzheimer patients, lending her support and care to the elderly. Since coming to Mauritius, Aurelie has learned to speak in creole in an effort to forge deeper connections with the patients. The elderly people appreciate her earnest attempt to communicate with them in their native language in which they are more comfortable. She loves being in a multicultural country that is a rich amalgamation of cultures, traditions, and beliefs. It appeals to her sense of exploration and curiosity and provides her with opportunities to flourish personally and professionally.
Luxmi and Aurelie got married and became one on April 30, embracing their love that transcends borders and cultures.